The sheeter consisting of a heavy-duty frame with gaugeable rollers driven with a motor along with gearbox arrangement would be provided. The hopper is made of stainless steel with the proper taper and the dough is smoothly formed from the hopper in the form of a sheet and is feed into the three sets of gaugeable rollers. The first set will be seasoned with a wooden roll, the second set is the roll of Teflon sleeve and another set is roll from Teflon coated roll. The distance between the gaugeable rollers can be adjusted and this would depend on the desired thickness of the chapati. The rollers are coated will be Teflon which is food-grade material. There is an intermediate endless belt conveyor to feed the dough sheet to the cutting plant. The conveyor belt is made sure that they are food-grade material.
Rotary cutting unit
A rotary cutting is fitted on the roller for the smooth and accurate cutting roti so that the chapatis are been cut in the desired size. There would be a provision for shifting the generated chapati scrap back to the hopper for recycling.

The conveyor belt has three passes. After cutting the chapati it is pass through three passes (one for the first side roasting, 2nd for second side cooking 3rd for puffing of the chapati) oven at a suitable temperature. After complete baking of chapati, it is a pack or ready for serve or market. Baking oven machine consists of a heavy-duty ribbon gas burner with three-layer, 2 numbers for roasting chapati on both sides, and one number for puffing steel slotted conveyor belt complete with 2 HP electric motor. Contact us to know the Chapati making machine price in Kerala.
The key advantage of a Fully automatic chapati making machine
- • Unique and reliable sturdy design
- • These machines are highly effective as well as non- stop continuous process.
- • Automatic chapati making machine provides ease of use and cleaning, saves labor costs, and ensures product uniformity.
- • Te dough is loaded in the hopper and then pass on to the sheeter and gauge roller where the thickness can be adjusted.
- • The temperature of the oven can be adjustable as it is heated by LPG/PNG and the food grade conveyor carries the round cut chapatis into the oven.
- • Helps in minimized power consumption in way of friction loss, less noise operation, no wastage of products and with no pollution.
- • You will get homely chapatiat the outlet of the oven.
Standard accessories of automatic chapati making machine
Suitable 4 poles enclosed fan-cooled three-phase or single-phase squirrel cage motor. {Electricity (special power can be accommodated): 110/220/380/415 volts, 50/60 Hz, 1/3 phase } Sheeter, rotary cutting unit, baking oven
Extra accessories needed in automatic chapati making machine
- Dough Kneader
- AutoIgnitionsystem